Sunday, December 11, 2011


A good friend of mine graciously donated his rather nice starfighter collection to me so I could create the mobile for our little boy!


So now I have the ships I need to make your little mobile. I talk to you every night now, and sometimes you even respond to my voice! I'm looking into getting an ergo carrier so I can carry you around like Luke carried Yoda on Dagobah. I love you, and I know you'll keep growing healthy for me. Be nice to your mother

Love -Your Jedi Dad!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A sneak peek at the youngling.

Hey my very young apprentice, I got to sneak a peek at you Sunday. Technology is so amazing, it can show me your very beautiful features even while you are in your mother's tummy. I got to see what you would look like before you were born, it's almost like getting to see the future. You're still developing such a big personality, you were grabbing your toes, and trying to swing from the umbilical cord. You're already so cute, and I already can't wait to meet you. You stay healthy, and keep getting strong, but don't hurt your Mom with that strength you hear me.

I guess I need to learn to play a few classical rock songs before you're born so I can put you to sleep. Mom says you really like The Doors, so I'll have to learn to play some of their music for your lullabies. Well you are in my prayers you rambunctious young man, keep growing, and don't do things that scare your Mother too often.

-Love Your Jedi Dad.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Teaching you your ABC's the right way

This is a Star Wars alphabet book that we found online I'll be hanging these up around the room for you to look at, and when you're ready to learn how to say them I'll teach you who the people in the pictures are. There will be so many fun stories about heroes and villains that I can tell you, I think you'll grin so big when I tell you how much of a loud mouth Dash Rendar was, or how surprised you'll be when you find out that Vader is really Luke's father.

It's going to be so fun teaching you new things every day, I won't just teach you your ABC's, I'll also teach you how to treat a lady, how to stick up for those who can't defend themselves, and how to take your gifts and use them properly.

Most importantly, I'll teach you how to be a mighty man of God, a little Jedi for Jesus, much like with your ABC's I may use Star Wars to teach you some of life's big lessons, like how to have a servants heart, or how to control your anger so that you don't hurt those around you. I see so much potential in you already, and I look forward to starting your training young padawan!
We found this on Brandon Peat's portfolio, unfortunately he's not offering this file, but I figured it would be good to give credit to the man who made this incredible work of art!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Already strong in the Force.

Last night you were apparently practicing your Force leaps because your mother told me to come feel her tummy so I put my ear there, and blast it you kicked me in the ear so hard I jumped! A father has never been more proud of their son as I was of you today, your mother has a Doctor's appointment tomorrow for your anatomy scan. Well we jumped the gun and got one early, but I get to walk in all smug again and tell the ultrasound tech I know that you're a boy. We'll see how surprised they are when you're crazy old man is right!

Well I just figured I'd drop a few lines for my boy while you're on my mind, since you kicked me in the head. Just go easy on your mother when you get bigger in there, I don't want her getting any bruised ribs or anything. Your mother and I have a neat project for you that I may start on tomorrow. I hope you like how we decorate your area of the room. Well son I love you and I know the Force is with you.

-Love, your Jedi Dad.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

To my future son

I am so excited today, from the moment your Mother and I found out that you were coming, I knew you were a boy. I told everyone, but only a few people believed me, and most people just thought that I wanted a boy. Truth is I just knew, and I'm so excited because today I got to see you, and the technician told me that I was right about you being a boy.

I'm excited about you, and I can already tell you're going to be such a character! I love that you're already jumping around, stretching and spinning around. I'm proud of you already, and I will always be there for you teaching you how to be a gentleman, and how to live honorably in a fallen world. You have the heart of a warrior, I can already tell, and I will teach you how to use that heart to help others. You are great kid, my little miracle, my little Jedi. Your Mother and I love you more than words can ever describe young man.

-Love Your Jedi Dad.