Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our first movie together as a family... The Phantom Menace!

Kiddo, you were born on February 10th, which was the same day Star Wars The Phantom Menace came in theaters in 3D. So today we went to go see it, and it was a blast. You were so good throughout the movie, you watched like half of it, but you didn't like how loud the pod racers were when they started up.

We had the whole theater to ourselves which was really cool. Your mommy was able to feed you, and we were able to walk around with you in the theater.

Well your Mommy and I had a fun date, and you got to watch Star Wars.

You looked so good in your little Jedi robes today.

I love you kid, and we'll have many more days of fun as you get older. I love you so much -Your Jedi Dad.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Three Weeks Old!

Demitri, you turned three weeks old on Friday! You're getting so big, and I can tell you are going to be such a strong young man. With that strength comes a responsibility though, I will teach you how to use that strength to help people. Always be aware that if you fly into a rage, you will seldom land well.

I love you so much, you are such a cute kid, even when you're keeping me up all night so your mommy can get some sleep, I can't take my eyes off of you.

Well son I pray that you will continue to grow and I hope you will always know that your Jedi dad loves you.